Saturday, October 4, 2008

What We Would Like to Know

  • If accounts can be created for us so that we may use the job placement intranet site.
  • If we will still receive our $10,000 stipend. If so, lump sum? Is there still a requirement that we not find other permanent employment (which would not make sense)? If not, any other compensation?
  • If our relocating and traveling expenses will still be reimbursed.
  • If those with clerkships will still receive clerkship stipend (I don't know if they were also promised the $10,000 stipend), or a portion thereof.
The above are my questions and questions I saw others ask on other sites. If you have any more concerns, please leave a comment and I will edit the post to include your question.


pechmerle said...

I've forwarded a copy of these questions to a member of the Dissolution Committee. Anonymously, that is. I am a soon-to-be-unemployed current senior associate myself. I've also let him know about this web site. I'll le you know if my anonymous email is responded to; it may not be.

I am very sympathetic to your plight, and the plight of long time staff at Heller. (Not too happy for myself either.)

HNM said...

Hi Observer,

Thank you so much for your support! And for forwarding a copy of our questions, since many of us do not know who the right people to contact are.

I hope you and your fellow associates land well, too. I know I couldn't have gotten by last summer without my senior associate mentor!

pechmerle said...

The members of the Dissolution Committee (seems to be in charge of pretty much everything now) are Peter Benvenutti (chairman), Jonathan Hayden, Lynn Loacker, and Paul Sugarman (shareholders), and Richard Holdrup, Brad Scott (admin).