Saturday, October 4, 2008

Welcome to the Support Group

The last formal communication we formerly incoming associates received from Heller was the notice that our start dates were moved back to January. We did not hear from the firm when those in charge formally decided to dissolve, though we were probably refreshing ATL or other legal news websites when it happened.

Judging from some of the comments from other sites, we may be seen as a spoiled bunch with a lot of other options. But some of us are not rich kids with parental support; some of us
  • have children
  • have spouses that depend on us because they are finishing their own degree
  • have little money and our loan payments will kick in soon
  • do not even know if we've passed the Bar Exam
  • started clerkships in a city different from where we want to end up and will have difficulty interviewing
  • are afraid the moving company will ditch their plans to move us because Heller might not pay up
This blog is meant to be a support group for us formerly incoming Heller associates. We can talk about our hardships, our plans, whatever. Maybe we can even form a cohesive voice so we will not be ignored any longer.

If you would like to have administrative & posting privileges, please let me know at


Heller Drone said...

Hey HNM - Heller Drone here welcoming you to the blogosphere!

I hope this baby takes off - it is a damn shame that incoming associates are hearing squat from Heller management but it isn't surprising.

Let me know if you need any blog/technical assistance. Email me at hellerdrone

HNM said...

Thanks so much, Heller Drone! Your support and presence means so much to all of us; I know I could not have gotten by only reading ATL, that's for sure!

dark side said...

hnm: While we on the SS Heller are feverishly looking for lifeboats, we see you on the horizon in yours! We wish you the best, hope that the DC does right by you, and we'll meet when we all make landfall (and I must have hope that we do).